Write 5 pages with APA style on Objections to Studying Political Psychology and Responses.


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Write 5 pages with APA style on Objections to Studying Political Psychology and Responses. Houghton analyzes behaviorism and human freedom, the psychology of voting behavior, and the psychology of racism and political intolerance amongst others (Houghton, 2008, p. 157). In doing so, Houghton establishes the connection between the political actions that the masses do and what motivates them to act in such directions as they choose to act. Houghton endeavors to give political decisions a psychological perspective that is evaluative based on theories of other psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Skinner, Kristen Monroe, and Federico amongst others.

Political Psychology and Objections

Some of the people who have had objections to political psychology have various reasons for maintaining such opinions. Nevertheless, the main argument that has prompted scholars to have objections to political psychology is whether one can study personality and politics systematically. This has been a controversial area for a long time. Many people that subscribe to political psychology have found themselves at the scholarly challenges with regard to how they propound some of their theories. It has been a scenario, in many cases, of political psychologists attempting to analyze historical occurrence with respect to what motivates individuals to act in a certain direction. Political scientists have found such methods of analysis questionable in many cases.

Some political scientists tend to question the necessity of studying political psychology in the first place when their opinions fail to converge. To begin with, some scholars object to the study of political psychology based on political action. They say there is more to the politician’s environment than the politician’s personal motives and behavior that political psychologists rush to analyze. Such opponents of political psychology claim that it will be wrong for political psychologists to study politicians for their political action when whatever makes them elicit such behavior appears to be an external factor. Individual predispositions, they say, have remarkably little in determining the outcomes of in any political environment.

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