Write 1 page with APA style on Conclusion for Management Project. We decided to choose the School of Rock movie because everybody had seen it. The schedule was finalized until the second week. We had


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Write 1 page with APA style on Conclusion for Management Project. We decided to choose the School of Rock movie because everybody had seen it. The schedule was finalized until the second week. We had a balanced group structure wherein the communication flow was very efficient. We had unintentionally established some SMART goals for the team prior to knowing the full definition. The time-bound goal was a specific goal for our team. Our group’s most frequently used style was the collaborative approach style. We had no conflicts except for a minor conflict about matching the schedules we had prepared. However, our frequent communication with the emails enabled us to understand one another’s viewpoints and eliminate the misunderstandings. The email was a powerful tool in our communication as we used it to share ideas and other group related materials with one another. We all got along really well and respected each other. Maintaining the schedule and finishing the project upon a time was a big challenge for our group.&nbsp.

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