West Texas A&M University Week 11 Social Media Marketing Discussion


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I’m trying to study for my Marketing course and I need some help to understand this question.

Each exam question will generally fall between 350-2000 words* with the main focus being on quality content and reasoned arguments. A good answer will thoroughly answer all components of the question with ample rationale, facts, and figures to warrant their credibility. Be sure to use proper APA citation format for the references. The rubric used for grading is listed below.

*The word count doesn’t include references, title page contents, etc.

Grading Standards for Written Works

A–Level Work


(1) Responds fully to what the assignment asks; (2) Presents a manifest topic statement containing the issue to be analyzed and the position to be taken; (3) Exercises good critical thinking that is clear, logical (coherent & relevant), deep, broad, and discriminating; (4) Expresses its purpose clearly and persuasively; (5) Invokes and uses disciplinary facts correctly; (6) Provides adequate supporting arguments with reasons, evidence, and examples; (7) Is focused, well organized, and unified; (8) Uses direct language that is appropriate for the audience; (9) Invokes discerning sources when appropriate; (10) Correctly documents and cites sources via APA standards; (11) Is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format; and (12) Displays originality and creativity in realizing items (1) through (9) above.

B-Level Work

(Very Good)

Realizes high quality in (1) through (11) fully and completely —but does not reveal originality or creativity.

C-Level Work


Realizes adequacy in (1) through (11) and demonstrates overall competence but contains a few relatively minor errors or flaws. A “C” paper may show great creativity and originality, but those qualities don’t compensate for poor or careless writing. A “C” paper is adequate in all regards but could use polishand usually looks and reads like a next-to-final draft.

D-Level Work


Fails to recognize some elements of (1) through (11) adequately and contains several relatively serious errors or flaws or many minor ones. A “D” paper is less than adequate for public presentation and often looks and reads like a first or second draft.

F-Level Work


Fails to realize several elements of (1) through (11) adequately and contains many serious errors or flaws as well as many minor ones. An “F” paper usually contains fatal errors of thought or execution and usually looks and reads like a private writing.

  • You are a social media administrator at your firm. Your boss tells you that you need to start a campaign that gets your company’s brand more attention. Describe in detail your goals and objectives for this vague task so that you can impress everyone at the next board meeting. (It will most likely be beneficial to describe the important characteristics of the firm, the target market, etc. to make your case)
  • Your boss tells you that your content you are posting for this new campaign is good, but could be better if you would post in a more cohesive manner (tone of voice, time of day, etc). Do you agree or disagree with the directive? Explain your rationale. (Your boss mentions that you won’t get fired for speaking your opinion if you have good rationale for your arguments.)
  • Your boss tells you that your share of voice is at 25%, which is lower than it has been in the last three years. Their tone indicates that they are not really sure what this concept or number means, but they are still unsatisfied with this percentage for one reason or another. Explain what share of voice is, why it matters, and what you can do to improve your company’s share of voice or explain why this number is satisfactory.
  • Your boss tells you that your company has fewer followers than every other firm in your industry by a very large amount and that they saw a video where an expert explained how this is an issue. Explain as thoroughly as possible if this is a problem or not and what can/will be done about this.
  • While you were off on vacation, the person you put in charge to cover your social media campaign accidentally posted some pretty inappropriate things from the firm’s social media accounts thinking it was their personal account. The information is already in the local news and you worry it will grow into a bigger story unless you do something. What actions do you take to alleviate this situation? (You are limited to only what can be done online as you cannot quit and you don’t have the rank to fire anyone else)

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