UWF Baptist Hospital Escambia & West Florida Hospital Comparison Worksheet


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The Hospital Compare project will be submitted in two milestones before submission of the final report. Each milestone includes two steps. The final report (i.e. data presentation and two-step essay) will need to address all feedback received on the milestone assignments and must be submitted as one cohesive APA formatted document. Data is best placed in final document as an Appendix after the reference list. (Hint – This project format is very similar to the Health Assessment project. Therefore, apply the feedback received from the Health Assessment project!)

IMPORTANT NOTE ON GRADING: . However, the score entered in the gradebook for this milestone will be either all 10 points or zero points. This assignment must include all of the components listed below to earn all 10 points.

  • 1st Milestone (Data) – Two steps – (1) Data Gathering and (2) Data Presentation
    • Step 1: Data Gathering:
      • Research the CMS Hospital Compare (Links to an external site.) website, and then use it to explore at least two hospitals in your zip code area. Hospital Compare is part of the CMS Hospital Quality Initiative. The HQI uses a variety of tools to help stimulate and support improvements in the quality of care delivered by hospitals.
      • Thoroughly explore EVERY indicator for ONLY the following two categories for each of the hospitals you have selected – explore each hospital separately not at the same time
        1. Survey of Patients’ Experiences
        2. Timely and Effective Care
      • Do not report on the following categories also found on this website: General Information, Complications & Deaths, Unplanned Hospital Visits, Psychiatric Unit Services, Payment and Value of Care.
      • The point of this project is to thoroughly explore the outcome indicators on the Hospital Compare website for 2 hospitals in your zip code area. You are researching to find the significant outlier indicators for each hospital – either positive or negative – compared to benchmark (state and/or national data). PLEASE DO NOT randomly report on the same 10 indicators for both hospitals – report the 10 for each hospital that are important because the hospital is performing either much better than or much worse than the state and/or national benchmarks.
      • If you are unable to find 10 outliers for both of your hospitals (i.e. positive or negative compared to the benchmarks), you may need to include some that are comparable to the benchmarks in order to report on at least 10. However, your final report must demonstrate a thorough review of the indicator data in the two assigned categories for both hospitals you have selected.
    • Step 2 – Table or graph presentation:
      • Create a table or graph for each hospital that clearly and concisely demonstrates your comparative data – hospital versus both state AND national benchmarks. ALL three data points must be presented. Present each hospital separately.
      • If you are building a table, make sure to include a final column that calculates the “most significant difference” (i.e. hospital minus state vs. hospital minus national – whichever is greater) for each indicator. You might even consider using green type color to indicate positive variance data for the county and red color to indicate poor variance data for the county! Be creative!
      • Data must be standardized (i.e. in a comparable format) and units must be labeled.
      • Final data presentation must be in Word format. Tables can easily be created in Word. If you are choosing to graph your data, create the graphs in excel and import to Word for submission.
      • Table or graphs must include citation to indicate the source of your data on the reference list.
      • Be creative! Here is one example of how the table or graph for this assignment might take shape for one of the two hospitals:

Project Format Notes:

  • Although you will be submitting the essay in milestones, the final submission should include both Milestone submissions as ONE cohesive APA formatted document. Your project must be in proper APA format including an APA formatted title page with identifying information (i.e. name, date, project title), running head, list of sources/references, and corresponding in-text citation. In the final submission, data presentation should be submitted as an Appendix after the reference list. An APA Sample paper is provided in the course Table of Contents. Note: no abstract is needed for this assignment.

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