Using what you have learned during the course, and carrying out your own research,provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of the digital technologies on both your ideal consumeror target audience,and the industry in which your organization operates.



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In Assignment 1 (research assignment), students need to select a company and explore the impact of existing and future technologies on its target audience and industry. Using these insights, students will then create a tailored digital marketing strategy for the business in Assignment 2.

InAssignment 1, you will gain an insight into the key digital technologies relevant to your target audience and industry, how they evolved, their impacts,and future direction. You are required to undertake a significant piece of research exploring the evolution and impact of digital technologies on your target audience and industry.

The report on this research is to be written for an audience such as the senior management of your organization and should conform to the mandatory assignment structure. Using what you have learned during the course, and carrying out your own research, you will provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of the digital technologies on both your ideal consumeror target audience,and the industry in which your organization operates.

The post Using what you have learned during the course, and carrying out your own research,provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of the digital technologies on both your ideal consumeror target audience,and the industry in which your organization operates. appeared first on Essay Quoll.

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