Two types of ozone in the Earth

The ozone shield or ozone layer is a sectionof the Earth’s stratosphere, which takes in most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. It has high concertation of ozone (O3) compare to other sections of the atmosphere even though it is small than other gases in the stratosphere. The layer is mainly found in the lower segment of the Earth, approximately 15 to 35 kilometers from the Earth (Solomon et al., 2016, p. 272). The ozone forms naturally, as well as man-made. There are two types of ozone in the Earth: Good ozone and Bad ozone or Ground-level ozone.


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Good ozone 

It is found deep in the stratosphere. It has good protective quality. It shields the Earth from the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. It was formed by the interaction between oxygen molecules and the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Without this layer, there could be no plants on Earth, and humans could be suffering from skin cancer. Progressively humans have been destroying the good ozone by the chemicals they make, know as the ozone-depleting substances. It leads to pollution of the layer. Some of the effects of this pollution are:

Climate change, global warming, plant growth retardation, and skin and eye problems in humans (Ball et al., 2018, p. 1383). Some of the ways to protect the good ozone layer include; reduce using things that produce gases that are dangerous to the ozone and maintain the air conditioner.

Ground-level ozone or Bad ozone

It is found near the Earth’s surface in the troposphere and is an air pollutant. It is created by a chemical reaction between volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxide.


Ball, W. T., Alsing, J., Mortlock, D. J., Staehelin, J., Haigh, J. D., Peter, T., … Tummon, F. (2018). Evidence for a continuous decline in lower stratospheric ozone offsetting ozone layer recovery. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics18(2), 1379-1394. doi:10.5194/acp-18-1379-2018

Solomon, S., Ivy, D. J., Kinnison, D., Mills, M. J., Neely, R. R., & Schmidt, A. (2016). The emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer. Science353(6296), 269-274. doi:10.1126/science.aae0061

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