Revising unit 2 assignment | English homework help

Revising unit 2 assignment | English homework help


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Revision of your earlier activities and drafts in the process of writing your Definition and Synthesis essay is important in order to make sure that you are not “taking on too much” in your writing and that you are listening carefully to other perspectives. 
To prepare for your final draft, you will use this activity to address several of the most important questions raised by your teammates and your instructor in response to your invention work and drafts.
Read over the questions below and use them to write a short response (at least 200 words) in which you address some of the most important concerns you are finding for your revision of the Unit 2 assignment. Use specific details from your writing and from the comments of your peers to help provide context for your response. 

Reconsider the work you have done to choose your topic, define your issue, and provide context for understanding your issue. Is your chosen issue clearly understandable to one or more audiences? Are the stakes of this issue easy to understand? 
Go back and re-read your work in writing about the context for your chosen issue. As you prepare to submit your final draft, where do you need to narrow or clarify the context you provide for your perspective on your issue?
Look back over the visual organizer you used to think about  other perspectives on your chosen issue. Do you see places where you still have “gaps” in your information or perspective? Do any new connections between sources emerge upon reviewing your initial work?
Reflect on how you build credibility in your writing. Are there ways you can clarify your credibility as a knowledgeable, ethical (fair), and attentive participant in the conversation about your issue?

Your response should address as many of the questions above as you can, using specific evidence from your existing work (drafts, assignments) to give support to your explanations. You do not have to answer each of these questions word for word in a separate paragraph, but your response overall should show that you are considering all of the questions above. Submit your response to this assignment.    

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