Project management ch 10 – leadership: being an effective project

Project management ch 10 – leadership: being an effective project


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Leadership: Being an Effective Project ManagerProject Management Ch 106th EditionYour Results:The  answer for each question is indicated by a  . 1     Project success or failure often is reliant upon the contributions of all of the following groups of stakeholders EXCEPT    A) Customers    B) Suppliers    C) Contractors    D) Competitors    E) Top management     2     Managing a project and leading a project are two different things. Project leadership is about coping with    A) Formulating plans and objectives    B) Monitoring results against plans    C) Change    D) Taking ive action when necessary    E) Designing structures and procedures     3     Which metaphor best captures the role of a project manager?    A) The conductor of an orchestra    B) The point guard on a basketball team    C) A programmer on a software development team    D) A scout on an exploration    E) A mathematics instructor     4     Which of the following groups of stakeholders place constraints on project work such as requiring permits to be secured, that work is built to code, or that safety standards are met?    A) Project sponsors    B) Government agencies    C) Project managers    D) Customers    E) Top management     5     The second ring in the network of relationships for project managers includes all of the following EXCEPT:    A) Other project managers    B) Customers    C) Functional managers    D) Top management    E) Project sponsors     6     A high ranking manager who advocates the project and uses their influence to gain approval of the project is a project    A) Promoter    B) Champion    C) Godfather    D) Sponsor    E) Advocate     7     In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, being involved in a task that has a large significance or having a chance to do something important and do it well are examples of ______ related currencies.    A) Task    B) Position    C) Inspiration    D) Relationship    E) Personal     8     In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, sharing personnel, undertaking unwanted tasks or providing technical knowledge are examples of ______ related currencies.    A) Task    B) Position    C) Inspiration    D) Relationship    E) Personal     9     The following are necessary when mapping dependencies or building a social network EXCEPT    A) Identify those on whom the project depends for success    B) Identify whose opposition would keep you from accomplishing the project    C) Examine what sources of influence you have relative to those on whom you depend    D) Focus on the relationships with project team members since they are doing the project work and you have most influence over them    E) Diagnose another’s point of view as well as the basis for their positions     10     Which of the following is used at Hewlett-Packard for building relationships with key players that will determine a project’s success?    A) MBO    B) MBA    C) GIGO    D) MBWA    E) PMI     11     Research consistently points out that project success is strongly affected by the degree to which a project has the support of top management. The following are ways a project manager can manage upward relationships EXCEPT    A) Never ignore the chains of command    B) Prove loyalty    C) Pick the optimum time to appeal to top management    D) Consistently follow through on requests    E) Accept profound differences in perspective and become skilled at the art of persuading superiors     12     The traits of successful project managers include all of the following EXCEPT    A) Pessimist    B) Proactive    C) Skillful politician    D) Effective time management    E) Personal integrity     13     When project managers recognize that if they want participants to exceed project expectations then they have to exceed others’ expectations of a good project manager, they are leading by example through which of the following aspects?    A) Urgency    B) Problem solving    C) Priorities    D) Standards of performance    E) Ethics     14     To provide greater clarity to business ethics, many companies and professional groups    A) Encourage managers to rely on their own personal sense of right and wrong    B) Post consequences to unethical behavior    C) Publish a code of conduct    D) Conduct annual training seminars on business ethics    E) Establish a reward system for those who display ethical behavior     15     Which of the following would be defined as the ability to lead and manage yourself by establishing a sense for who you are, what you stand for and how you should behave?    A) Proactive    B) Emotional intelligence    C) Empathetic    D) Sense of purpose    E) Personal integrity         

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