Practicum Journal Entry

Practicum Journal Entry

Utilization of EICU

High population growth, lack of enough financial resources and a limited number of health care providers forced the health community to seek for alternative methods to take care of the patients in the intensive care unit. Electronic ICU was identified as one of the means to help deal with the issue of population pressure and offer faster medical services. Though it provides excellent help, Electronic ICU is very costly to implement and maintain it (Thompson, O’horo, Pickering & Herasevich, 2015). The main problem I realized about the utilization of electronic ICU is the cost and resources used for the method to run effectively.

First, purchasing the electronic pieces of equipment to be used in ICU is very expensive. Transportation and installation costs of the materials raise the expenditure. The medical institutions have to be adjusted and even some rebuilt to accommodate the new equipment. For this to happen efficiently, a lot of money has to be spent. The cost of equipping the medical practitioners with relevant skills and knowledge to operate the machines also adds to the burden (Semler et al., 2015). This challenge forces medical practices and the government to spend more which later impacts citizens negatively by raised costs of health services.

Learning institutions have included lessons about the operations of electronic ICU machines to avoid extra charges for operation training of the equipment. A student joins the medical profession team equipped with skills relevant to handle the electronic devices. He therefore does not need to incur other expenses learning about the operation (Holdsworth, Haines, D’Souza & Skinner, 2015). The machines are also being manufactured internally in the country to avoid extra costs of importation and transport.

In my opinion, the problem of high costs can be solved by first advising the community about family planning. This will help check and regulate the population to avoid over demand of medical services. The government and medical practices will therefore not spend more on the purchase of more electronic equipment to be used in ICU. Lastly, the community has to be encouraged and convinced to use telemedicine systems for less severe sicknesses. It helps reduce over congestion in hospitals giving enough room for medical practitioners to attend to patients in ICU (Gupta, Kaushal, Dewan, Chandra & Varma, 2015). The cost of reconstructing hospitals to accommodate the high population will then be avoided.

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