Please go to Art 21Links to an external site.. Find Kerry James Marshall and read his biography. Other links will lead you to slideshows and interviews with the artist. Then watch the video clips bef


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Please go to Art 21Links to an external site..  Find Kerry James Marshall and read his biography. Other links will lead you to slideshows and interviews with the artist. Then watch the video clips before answering the following discussion question:

Kerry James Marshall says he wants to “reclaim the image of blackness as an image of power.”

What do you think he means and how does he try to do this? Consider what it means to reclaim the “image of blackness.” Reclaim it from what? What makes something an image of power?

What influences from the history of art can you see in his work?

A closer look at the Ingres is here.Links to an external site.

A close look at a selection of Estes’ work is here.Links to an external site.

Which of these extremes of “painterliness” better allows for “truth” in art?

Which of these techniques would best depict the truth of your own culture or generation today?

Use other examples to defend your views. (Remember–each question in this course is a research question. Cite your sources from your research (textbook page numbers, internet URLs, etc.) Use the new vocabulary you are learning in your answers, defining the words or terms as you write. Here you need to say what “truth in art” is and what exactly is “your culture or generation”, etc.)

Please go to Art 21 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Find Cai Guo-Qiang and read his biography. Other links will lead you to slideshows and interviews with the artist. Then watch the video clips before answering the following discussion question:

In an interview, Cai has said, “From early on, very early on, I understood that art is not about what you say. It’s about these other things that you don’t say.”

Use Cai’s statement to discuss his work and working process.

(As always, please cite all your research sources.)

Please go to Art 21. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  Find Sally Mann and read her biography. Other links will lead you to slideshows and interviews with the artist. Then watch the video clips before answering the following discussion questions:

What do you think about the ways in which Mann has used her children in her work? (Consider photographic technique, lighting, framing, focus, meaning, and/or ethics…)

How/why are Mann’s photographs of her children different from typical family photo albums? (Consider photographic technique, lighting, framing, focus, meaning, and/or ethics…)

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