Need help with my writing homework on Leadership as a Key to Successful Organizational Change. Write a 2000 word paper answering;


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Need help with my writing homework on Leadership as a Key to Successful Organizational Change. Write a 2000 word paper answering; Organization change has been due to the need for the organization to adapt to environmental changes. The main changes of the organization include the rapid advancement of information technology, change in the quality and value of money, decentralization, flatter structures and downsizing as explained by Rowland & Higgs (2009, p. 59). Hay Mcbler’s transformational theory of organizational change describes change as using new approaches to achieving outcomes.&nbsp.

According to Jex (2002, p 443), the capability of managing change in order to meet shareholders’ needs and wants depends on the managers and leaders in an organization. A good leader must have good communication skills in order to ensure a good flow of information. In a case shown by Birch and Paul (2003, p.151), is that of a division in an electrical company. The leaders of the electrical company embarked on organizational change based on nonorganic elements without consideration of employees’ elements such as communication and culture. The change never took off because the employees did not support the course for change since the management did not consider their needs. It is important to note that the lack of support of employees’ issues in organizational change can lead to the failure of leaders implementing change in the organization. In this paper, the analysis of leadership for change will be based on the leadership skills for change such as communication skills, team-building skills, environmental scanning, and adaptation skills such as analytical and listening skills, team-building skills such as motivational skills. Leaders need to be analytical to the environmental surroundings so that they can ensure that their organizations are able to survive in the business environment. Therefore, the leaders must be the champions of change in the organization. The analysis of the role of leaders in the process of change& resistance from employees.

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