Movie : Spanglish ( A Sandler 2004 ): Discuss depictions of cultural stereotypes

Identify the major culture(s) shown in this film. Discuss whether each culture is depicted accurately and fairly. Discuss depictions of cultural stereotypes: how does the film challenge stereotypes or assumptions about each culture, and/or how does it endorse them? (15%)
Describe the characteristics of each culture, from the taxonomies discussed in this class, which are depicted in the film. (20%)
Analyze the intercultural communication shown in this film. Which characters attempt to communicate across cultural lines? What specific challenges do they face in doing so? What techniques do they use to effectively communicate? If their communication is unsuccessful, what techniques would you suggest to improve it?
Use concepts learned in this class in your analysis. (20%)
Your paper should be 1000-1500 words in length. It should be in correct standard English, with formatting, spelling and grammar all carefully checked. References to the textbook should be in-text with parenthetical page notation. References to the film being analyzed should be incorporated into the text as much as possible; direct quotes should be marked. If you utilize any other source of information (to find out more about the film, to look up details about a culture, for instance, or to get more information about a concept listed in your textbook), you should cite it appropriately. Your paper should contain a “works cited” list that will contain at least the film being considered and the textbook for this class. (20%)


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