Module 3 For Fortified

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following questions:


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What is the role of educational policy in meeting the needs of diverse student learners?
What is the role of school culture in the application of policies or practices that address the needs of diverse student learners?
As a current, or future, educational leader what is your role in promoting educational policies and practices that address the needs of diverse student learners?

Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be 3–4 pages.
Respond to all portions of the assignment prompt.
Provide an introductory and concluding paragraph for the paper.
Reference at least 2 background readings from the module.
Cite all references using APA format.
Provide a reference list in APA format

he Session Long Project requires you to analyze 4 cultural and diversity articles provided for each module. You will identify the issues below, if applicable:

Demographic Differences
Cognitive or Behavioral Differences
Organizational or Structural Differences
Global/World View Differences

You will submit a portion of your paper at the conclusion of each module. 
SLP Overview
You will analyze the article provided according to the requirements 1–4 above. Each SLP will be different to enable better recognition of cultural and diversity issues
For SLP 3, review the following article:
Ravazzani, S. (2016). Understanding approaches to managing diversity in the workplace. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(2), 154–168. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be 2–3 pages.
Respond to all portions of the assignment indicating if you recognize Demographic Differences; Cognitive or Behavioral Differences; Organizational or Structural Differences or Global/World View Differences.
Provide an introductory and concluding paragraph for the paper.
Cite all references using APA format.


Describe an education initiative or intervention that you feel is most effective to address diverse student learners.
What are the challenges of implementing an initiative or intervention?
Discuss the challenges from the perspective of an educator.
Discuss the challenges from the perspective of an educational leader.
Incorporate references to the module readings in your discussion.

Respond to three of your classmates’ postings.

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