michelle lewis only

Think about how scientists conduct their work and report it to the world, compared to how the media (including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet) broadcast information. In your posts this week answer the following questions:


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How often do you rely on media for scientific information to make decisions in your life?
Provide a specific example of scientific results being reported in media (e.g., a flu epidemic, a projected storm, or fracking). Be sure to include the headline, APA citation, and one sentence summary of the report.
Are there times when it is more appropriate to rely on media-reported science and other times when it is more appropriate to rely on peer-reviewed scientific results? Explain.
What do you think is the primary difference between communication of scientific results in the scientific community (peer-reviewed journals) and news media reporting?
Can the media influence the decisions that you make and how you feel about a topic on scientific research? Provide at least one example.

Discussion 2
 Answer the following questions

What is the flu?
Influenza is a virus, should antibiotics be taken to treat the flu or a cold? Why, or why not?
Why do you need to get a flu shot each year and what is your opinion about getting the flu shot?
Would it be reasonable to expect that science will develop an immunization for influenza in your lifetime? Why, or why not?
You all have your own strategies for preventing or recovering from a cold. Please share your favorite strategy for fighting the common cold. Find and cite a source (reputable if possible) that either supports or disputes your favorite strategy.
The internet has become a very popular source of health information. Evaluate the credibility of the source you provided. (Hint: Sometimes you can find this information at the bottom of the main page).

Can you find the author?
Is the material written objective and reliable?

Discussion 3
Review how wastewater is treated (the water that you send down the drain):
Source: USGS (n.d.) What is Wastewater, and Why Treat it? Retrieved fromhttp://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/wuww.html
In your posts this unit answer the following questions:

Define wastewater and provide an example of where wastewater originates in your community?
Some common measures of water quality are temperature, turbidity, bacteria, pH and toxic substances. Choose a measure of water quality and provide an explanation of how this quality is measured for in water and what the allowable limits are in the water supply.
Review your local community, town, city, or state government’s website for information and policies on water conservation and wastewater treatment. You can also use the EPA site to learn about your local water.https://watersgeo.epa.gov/mywaterway/
Post at least one interesting fact that you learned in your research. Be sure to provide the resource for the information with your post.
Lastly, describe the treatment process used to clean wastewater in order for it to be allowed back into the water cycle or reused. What is one way to now reuse non-potable wastewater?

Discussion 4

Why do different people require different amounts of food and therefore energy? Identify the daily recommended caloric intake for your age and sex.
Calories are simply a form of measurement. Choose your favorite food and provide the caloric information for 1 serving. Then provide an example of the amount of an activity needed to burn off that much energy.
What food groups are necessary for a balanced meal? How do your measure a portion?
Culture, personal experience and the environment impact human health. Provide an example of how children or adults make food choices unrelated to their body’s needs?
Childhood obesity is an increasing problem in the United States. Propose a way to educate children about food choices and how food can impact their health.

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