Medical Assistance Program Essay

Pharmacology paper


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Medical Assistance Program

Finances to run health care firms and organizations is obtained from the costs that individuals incur to acquire medical services. The prices vary depending on several reasons, which include the quality of health care and geographical location. Most cases emerge where individuals are affected permanently by a health problem because of their inability to cater for the expensive and inaccessible healthcare services. Some patients end up dying just because of ailments that have treatment, only that it costs more than they can afford. Costs of healthcare limits individuals opportunities to access better health care which led to the introduction of the medical assistance program. The program gives the patients a chance to obtain their medication for free or at a reduced/manageable cost (Howard, 2014). Most patients served by the program are the individuals who just went off their parent’s insurance programs, foreign patients, and the elderly who cannot work to acquire enough income to cater for medication. The objective of this proposal is to discuss a reliable team that will help design an effective medical assistance program who will later be invited to meet with the CEO.

The Selected Task Force

For any project to function effectively, it is essential to choose a reliable task force rich in skills and experience essential enough to drive the project into a success. Therefore, the best team to invite in the meeting with the CEO to discuss the design of a medication assistance program includes prescribers, discharge planners, bookkeepers, patients, and financial navigators.


Prescribers are individuals in a medical facility with the permission to write an order for medicine or issue patient-specific directions on how to use the medicine. They have abundant knowledge about the cost of different pharmacology treatment which makes them essential in designing a medical assistance program. The information about the expenses helps in planning and allocation of finances to help to avoid over or under expenditure (Paries, Lamson, Hodgson, Muse & Mutinda, 2018). A prescriber also has information about the most demanded pharmacology treatment that helps to identify main for more spending for the program to be effective in the society.

Discharge Planner

A discharge planner is a profession in a health care setting responsible for ensuring patients are released to a conducive environment from the hospitals that will aid in their recovery process. They, therefore, have enough information about the demands of patients during their recovery processes and the costs of meeting these needs. Involving them in planning a design for medical assistance program is therefore essential to acquire information about the values of the recovery programs (Howard, 2014). Consequently, it helps the program to include a well-defined procedure to help low-income patients during a particular period of recovery from a health care problem.


A bookkeeper is an individual with skills in record keeping.  Their roles are critical because they manage the financial affairs of an entity hence ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of accounting journals and books of accounts. Bookkeepers are therefore vital to help in the planning of finances during the meeting with the CEO to design the medical assistance program. They help in budget creation after assessment of all the resources and possible funds needed (Mitchell, Muluneh, Patel & Basch, 2018). Skilled and experienced bookkeepers will assist in the design and adequate record keeping of the program, which will make it easier to keep track of its progress.


Patients are the main actors affected by all the changes that occur in the field of health care since they are the receivers of treatment. They have rich information that can describe the quality of health care, its success, and failures in treatment. Patients purchase medical services and find it difficult to access health care in situations where the cost is too high. Therefore, patients availability in the meeting helps in the provision of enough data about the areas that the program needs to put much emphasis (Paries et al., 2018). They help by stating the areas where they have challenges in accessing quality medical services which give the medical assistance program an opportunity to invest wisely.

Financial Navigators

Lastly, financial navigators are individuals that work closely with patients and their families to help reduce hardship about treatment costs. They educate patients and help them understand their expenses on medication and what can be covered by the insurance plans. Furthermore, financial navigator’s impact patient’s lives positively by assisting them to set up payment plans, use cost effective treatment procedures and improve patient’s ability to access medical care (Howard, 2014). Therefore their availability in the meeting will help identify the crucial areas of concern which limit patients from accessing quality medical care.

Collecting the discussed team in a meeting with the CEO will make it easy to design an effective medical assistance program. The prescriber will help by providing information about the costs of the pharmacology treatment. A discharge planner offers knowledge about the needs of most patients during the recovery period. A bookkeeper helps in the storage of the program’s financial records for easy tracking of the progress. Patients will directly feel the impacts of the program. Therefore, their presence is essential to identify the main areas to put much emphasis. Financial navigators work close to patients which makes it possible to determine their grievances and areas that the program can work on to improve their ability to access health care services.

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