Jaguar Manufacturer

Explain the advantages and disadvantages for jaguar of using just in time production rather than the more traditional just in case stock system. Just in time is a manufacturing method based on pull system which means the raw materials are only delivered only when needed which reduces waste due to overproduction and lowers the storage rent e. g. warehouse storage. Advantages: * Reducing set up times * Goods from warehouse to the production line flow much smoother which saves time. * Increases supplier quality * Consistently supplying the plant with the raw material for production * Workers are used more efficiently Scheduling and planning is improved * Reduces space requirements for raw materials Disadvantages: * Relying on a limited amount of stock so there is a chance of running out and interrupting production * Change in the culture of production can take time to get used to so it could be less control in the beginning * Need trustful and reliable suppliers who can deliver on time * The suppliers have to be very flexible because the demand for raw material could come up at any time. * The machinery is at risk to breaking down and slowing down the production.
Using appropriate motivation theory, analyse how jaguar has managed to increase the pride and commitment of its employees. Jaguar has managed to increase the pride and commitment of its employees by implying continuous improvement. This type of motivation required entrustment and empowerment from the workforce. The fresh start to this new implication meant that the workforce had to be trained in order to perform and improve. Team work has to be implemented because this way everyone is involved and the ideas can be shared for enhancement of the production.
Also because the work is in teams no one is left out and each member feels more valuable in the workplace which then motivates them further. Once more the team working leads the workforce to a new level on Maslow’s hierarchy where the employees are social and esteemed. Being valued and cared for is a great motivator especially in a big workforce such as Jaguar. Targets and objectives are set for the employees and it is something to strive for, this will give them a some sort of a bonus or a pay rise.


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Once there is a target and a bonus at the end it will motivate the worker to reach that target as Taylor said money is a motivator in a workplace. The bonuses don’t just have to be set for individual employees they could be set for the whole team and if a target is met the whole team will enjoy a reward at the end, again this will motivate not only individuals but the whole group of workers. Evaluate methods for achieving a total quality culture in large organisations like Jaguar.
Total quality culture is based on the involvement of all employees in the organization in improving processes, products, services and the mores in which they work and it is also based on meeting the customer’s requirements with the right standard of quality. It is essential to work in teams to share ideas and to advance the quality by setting objectives such as zero defects. Every member of the organisation can take action if a certain product is not up to a set standard. Quality circles or kaizen can be a part of team work where employees can share their skills and ideas to improve the quality of their products.
If the skills are not at a fine quality then certain training regimes can be set also in the training the employees can be taught to have prevention rather than cure which would aim at zero defects. Kaizen cannot be relied up one because it doesn’t cover all aspects of improving so things like identifying the consumer needs and having cell production will certainly be covering more of the objective such as the zero defects. If the manager takes up the total quality management and seeks the best quality not only out of the products but the employees who make these products.
The workforce has to always be committed to what the manager has set as an aim or an objective and be ready to reach and fulfil that aim. The high motivational skills of the manager will definitely make reaching the target much easier than if the employees are not motivated. Describe the organisational culture of Microsoft as identified by Steve Ballmer. The recent culture in the Microsoft organisation can be described as an innovative culture where Microsoft are trying to develop something brand new and something that no other organisation has.
Explain the meaning of business aims, and use in managing large organisations such as Microsoft. An aim in an organisation can be seen as a direction in which the business can move on this path certain objectives and targets can be set to further improve the organisations structure. The objective and targets that may be set can aspire and motivate the workforce. Aims could look at the company’s weaknesses and strengths, the weaknesses can be reduced in the future by choosing appropriate objectives and the strengths can be further strengthened by setting targets which once again will motivate the workers.
Having an aim will set order in the work place which will lead to sharing among staff and more accountability cooperation. An aim is like a mission which the business is striving to achieve and complete as many objectives along the way as possible. Microsoft has four aims and they are building industry trust, building customer loyalty, altering structure of the company and devolving power from the top. Analyse four practical strategies Microsoft could implement to help it achieve its aims. First of all Microsoft needs to build its trust with the industries based around them.
One way could be to merge or to have joint ventures with other computing companies but this is not the best way to recover trust because Microsoft are very competitive and they will prefer to be a single organisation with control. Other ways can be to provide employment in the company because Microsoft is a large organisation and it needs skilled workers to continue improving. It can also provide income for local communities for example universities where better ICT training courses can be implemented. Another strategy is to build customer loyalty which will give strong ideas on what the customers want.
Primary research methods such as focus groups where direct opinions can be gained from the customers even though it is only a very limited number of people surveyed. Secondary data can definitely give more of a bigger picture of what the customer wants even though sometimes it may not be as honest as having focus groups. This way of researching will show new trends in the customers taste and choice. This can be improved by creating departments which will concentrate only on the customer relationships this way online help can be more supportive towards the customers.
Changing or altering the way the organisation is structured is another aim for Microsoft. Team working is very important in this type of organisation and the teams in the company should often be rewarded for their efforts. Individuals shall not be rewarded because this will tend to break the team up into individuals and this means there would be some sort of competition between the workers. Matrix structure is very appropriate for Microsoft especially when a company tends to have many different departments.
This would team working on another level, the teams will be very flexible and will cooperate with workers from other departments. This way a culture of team working and collaboration is created in the organization and the ability to work on different projects gives a huge variety to the work which will increase staff motivation. Microsoft are always looking to find the best way to improve their products by keeping up to date from the customer surveys but when you have the experts from each department the product will tend to be much more improved and up to date.
Making decisions is often very difficult especially when you are in control of a huge organisation such Microsoft. Devolving the power or decision making from the top will certainly take a lot of pressure off the top management team. Creating another layer in between of the hierarchical orders of company’s structure will involve and motivate other workers who will be motivated because they get to make important decision in certain areas of the organisation. Another motivator in this is that whoever makes the decision a team or an individual will always think that the top managerial team is relying on his/hers or their decisions.
This not only motivates workers but it makes them communicate and improve communication skills in the procedure of this. This would be a great way of splitting important decisions in the company because the pressure is taken off the managers and shared with the rest of the workforce, of course the more important decisions like putting the company as stake or some sort of risk will always be down to the highest ranked people but this is an effective way to motivate and at the same time take pressure off the main people in the company.

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