Help Please

Each student will summarize and critique an article related to his/her interests regarding a social problem(s). 
Selecting an Appropriate Article


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Articles may be found by searching an article database, e.g., Academic Search Premier  or ERIC (Education Resources Information Clearinghouse), at the MVSU Libraries website (select E-Resources, click on “Select from all Databases (by title), then choose Academic Search Premier or ‘ERIC (Ebsco version—1966 – present).
Articles must be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. Prior to writing your Article Critique, students should clear their article selection with the instructor. 
Articles should be published in an established journal in sociology/social problems.
The selected article should be reasonably current–published within the past 5-10 years.
Additionally, the article you select must be at least 6 pages of tight text; short articles are not acceptable.

Chosen Article Due: Please send me the bibliographic reference of your selected article including the author(s)’ name(s), article title, journal name, volume, issue, year, page numbers, etc to the discussion board link to the left. If you can send an electronic link to a full text article that would be preferable. That way, I can ensure that your selected article is suitable and that there will be a variety of articles discussed.  Everyone MUST see your topic. No one can have the same topic or article.  This assignment is due Friday, February 15, 2019.  
What to Write
An article critique should be more than a summary and requires students to engage with the article and explore its meaning for them. Your review of the selected article should be a concise, thoughtful discussion of the main features of the study described in the article and of important questions that the study raises. Your review should be 3-5 pages in length. All guidelines regarding APA Style, paper formatting, and plagiarism described in your syllabus apply to this assignment.  This assignment MUST have a title and reference page.

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