Global 172 essay 2 | Political Science homework help

Global 172 essay 2 | Political Science homework help


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Summarize and compare the following two texts:
– Williams, Abiodun. 2017. “The Responsibility to Protect and Institutional Change.”
– Autesserre, Séverine . 2019. The Crisis of Peacekeeping. Why the UN Can’t End Wars. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2019.
Identify the core argument / conclusion for each text and some supporting ideas/facts/examples used to back it up.
Structure your paper in four parts:
1) Williams summary (300-400)
2) Autesserre summary (300-400)
3) Comparative analysis (200-300): identify common and unique elements
4) Conclusion (200-300): What do you take away from reading these two texts? What issues emerge as critical in your view? What questions do you have? What solutions do you suggest?
Length: 1000 to max 1500 words. The two summaries will likely take up a bit more than half of the length, sections 3 & 4 are probably a bit shorter.
Feel free to allocate your word allowance as you see fit.
As with the first essay, follow the same guidelines:
– Put your name at the top of the page.
– Note word count in the upper right corner of the page.
– Try to stick to the word count. If you end up above it, edit it down: delete, rephrase, condense, consolidate. It will make your writing better.
– Put the full bibliographical reference at the top of each summary.
– Clearly organize your argument, avoid repetition.
– Avoid statements like “I agree with the author” without explaining why.
– Generally avoid fillers like “I think” “I believe”. This is your analysis; it is understood that what you write is your take on these readings.
Use direct quotes very sparingly and generally paraphrase in your own words. When you use a direct quote, reference it with page number. Such as: Nye concludes that “the open international system has served the United States well.” (p. 2).
Grading: You will be graded
– on your ability to succinctly identify key issues addressed by the two authors,
– on your ability to bring out common themes and differences in your final analysis,
– on organization, clarity of writing, and grammar (Have someone read through your work particularly if you are not a native speaker!)

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