Give a summary for each source

-give a summary for each source.
-has to be at least one paragraph for each.
-be specific with the details.
-I have uploaded a file of my 15 sources.Barton, H. (2020). Safe and effective disinfection of show cave infrastructure in a time of COVID-19. International Journal of Speleology49(2), 137–147.


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Coma, E., Mora, N., Méndez, L., Benítez, M., Hermosilla, E., Fàbregas, M., Fina, F., Mercadé, A., Flayeh, S., Guiriguet, C., Balló, E., Martinez Leon, N., Mas, A., Cordomí, S., Lejardi, Y., & Medina, M. (2020). Primary care in the time of COVID-19: monitoring the effect of the pandemic and the lockdown measures on 34 quality of care indicators calculated for 288 primary care practices covering about 6 million people in Catalonia. BMC Family Practice21(1).

Diriba, K., Awulachew, E., & Getu, E. (2020). The effect of coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV) during pregnancy and the possibility of vertical maternal–fetal transmission: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Medical Research25(1).

Farshi, P., Ceren Kaya, E., Hashempour-Baltork, F., & Khosravi-Darani, K. (2020). A Comprehensive Review on the Effect of Plant Metabolites on Coronaviruses: Focusing on Their Molecular Docking Score and IC50 Values.

Feng, Z., Wang, Y., & Qi, W. (2020). The Small Intestine, an Underestimated Site of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: From Red Queen Effect to Probiotics.

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Kim, Y., Liu, H., Galasiti Kankanamalage, A. C., Weerasekara, S., Hua, D. H., Groutas, W. C., Chang, K.-O., & Pedersen, N. C. (2016). Reversal of the Progression of Fatal Coronavirus Infection in Cats by a Broad-Spectrum Coronavirus Protease Inhibitor. PLOS Pathogens12(3), e1005531.

Moelling, K., & Broecker, F. (2020). Air Microbiome and Pollution: Composition and Potential Effects on Human Health, Including SARS Coronavirus Infection. Journal of Environmental and Public Health2020, 1–14.

Öz, Y. (2020). A Theoretical Model to Investigate the Influence of Temperature, Reactions of the Population and the Government on the COVID-19 Outbreak in Turkey. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1–9.

‌Shah, P. V. (2020). Prediction of the Peak, Effect of Intervention and Total Infected by the Coronavirus Disease in India. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1–23.

Safarpour, A. C., & Hanmer, M. J. (2020). Information about Coronavirus Exposure Effects Attitudes Towards Voting Methods. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 1–7.

‌Sheikhpour, M. (2020). <p>The Current Recommended Drugs and Strategies for the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)</p>. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk ManagementVolume 16, 933–946., P. V. (2020). Prediction of the Peak, Effect of Intervention and Total Infected by the Coronavirus Disease in India. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1–23.

Sieńko, J., Kotowski, M., Bogacz, A., Lechowicz, K., Drożdżal, S., Rosik, J., Sietnicki, M., Sieńko, M., & Kotfis, K. (2020). <p>COVID-19: The Influence of ACE Genotype and ACE-I and ARBs on the Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Elderly Patients</p>. Clinical Interventions in AgingVolume 15, 1231–1240.

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