Ethics question | English homework help
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Write My Essay For Me1. Apply Carson’s formulation of the Golden Rule test (don’t rely on your memory; use the version specifically formulated as the ‘GR’ principle on p. 151 of the PDF reading) to an example from your own life of (i) an experience with a salesperson who violated their obligations, and (ii) an experience with a salesperson who went above and beyond their obligations. (Avoid any examples in which a person merely satisfies their minimum obligations.) For both (i) and (ii), start by describing the situation. Then carefully explain why the example either passes (and exceeds) the requirements of the test, or fails the test; brief or one-word answers (e.g., ‘it doesn’t work’) are not acceptable. (You are encouraged to look at examples 1-4 on pp. 151-2 as a model, but if you use Carson’s words, you must use quotation marks and cite properly.)
2. Read “Example D: A Longer Case (an Actual Case)” (pp. 153-4), then answer the following question: Was Mr. Mokarem morally obligated to do what he did?Carefully explain your reasons for thinking why or why not. Also, be sure to consider and state which of the duties that Carson discusses (1-6 on pp. 150-151) apply in this case, and what your verdict about this case implies for whether those are genuine duties or not (that is, whether they are rules we should in fact follow).
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