End customer logistics



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Harrison, A., & van Hoek, R. (2011). Logistics management & strategy: Competing through the supply chain (4th ed.). Essex, England: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780273730224 (print version); ISBN: 9781447915768 (electronic version).

Chapter 2:  Putting the end customer first

  1. Suggest ways in which logistics can play a part in the marketing mix for:
    1. a manufacturer of cleaning products like Clean Co (Case Study 2.4)
    1. a retailer such as Tesco (Case Study 1.1)
    1. an automotive repair and recovery frim such as Talleres Auto (Case Study 1.6)
    1. food supplier such as CN and CS (Case study 2.6)
  2. Explain what is meant by uncertainty in demand forecasting.

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