Culture of The West Song of Roland Trotula Einhard & Risala Exam Practice


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I need help with a History question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

1-In ‘The Song of Roland‘ (source 10.6), how is Christianity offered as a justification for violence against the enemy, in the warrior’s words and actions?

2-Was it dangerous for ‘Trotula of Salerno, Handbook on the Maladies of Women‘ (source 10.7) to include information drawn from ‘pagan’ and Muslim sources (and perhaps from direct observation by women such as midwives)?

3-How does ‘Einhard, Life of Charlemagne‘ (source 10.1) reinforce Charlemagne’s status as a Christian warrior, particularly in his use of oaths and relics?

4-How are male and female bodies distinguished in scientific terms according to ‘Trotula of Salerno, Handbook on the Maladies of Women‘ (source 10.7), especially in respect to heat and moisture?

5-What type of society emerges from the description of the burial customs of the Rus in ‘ibn Fadlan, Risala‘ (source 10.8)?

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