Create 6 pieces of social media content. This should be original pieces, but you can u?lize images from the web. Have a mix of video, images, ar?cles, interviews, product, etc. Be sure to have no more


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Create 6 pieces of social media content. This should be original pieces, but you can u?lize images from the web. Have a mix of video, images, ar?cles, interviews, product, etc. Be sure to have no more than 2 of the same type of content.

•  Tell me which pla6orms you want to share this content and why. Part of this is really understanding which pla6orm is best suited for the content and for your brand.

•  Provide this content on a word document, or if you want to post on your website/blog you can do so. Just provide the link.

Decide how you will build a QR code and Mobile Marke?ng.

•  How will you use this strategy? What will be included?

•  Video: Find a video that will resonate with your brand, or make your own.

•  QR Code: Give one example of a brand already using this and list how it will work for your brand

•  Game: Would you develop your own? Will you u?lize a social pla6orm that is similar to a game?

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The post Create 6 pieces of social media content. This should be original pieces, but you can u?lize images from the web. Have a mix of video, images, ar?cles, interviews, product, etc. Be sure to have no more appeared first on Academic Pals.

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