Bus assigment

single space one video per page totoal three pages 
Times new roman size 12


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Watch the following YouTube videos and write your learning from each video. Submit this homework assignment through Canvas by 11:59pm on 6/9. Please remember that late homework assignments will not be accepted.

Little’s Law (Links to an external site.)
Types of Production Processes (Links to an external site.)

Dell Direct Model (Links to an external site.)

H/W Videos Review – Assignment Rubric
H/W Videos Review – Assignment Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirement Met – One Page Per VideoLearning from Youtube videos should be written in 1 page and single space for each video. The content of the video should be summarized comprehensively and how you as a student have benefited from the knowledge.

6.0 ptsFull Marks

0.0 ptsNo Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Takeaway Message in Each Video is AddressedIn each video, the student is able to explain and articulate the key takeaway that can be applied to the operations management practices for organizations

2.0 ptsFull Marks

0.0 ptsNo Marks

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics of WritingMechanics of writing such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary etc.. are properly structured in the entire paper.

2.0 ptsFull Marks

0.0 ptsNo Marks

2.0 pts

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