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Please see attached files for instructions

General instructions:

  1. First, the case study is to be typed, double-spaced and 3-4 pages long (750 to 1000 words). The font size needs to be between 11 and 12 point font.  Do not use a “script” type font.  Just use the kind of font that is normally used for academic work such as “arial,” “times new roman,” “verdana,” etc.   
  2. Please do NOT submit a case study longer than 5 pages.  If it’s longer when you write it, then edit and revise so that it fits 5 pages max. 
  3. The case studies themselves will be given in a separate file.  The student will select one of the case studies for analysis. 
  4. The margins in the paper should be set to 1″ all around, except that on page #1, you could set the margins for 1.5″ from the top.  
  5. Put your name and class id at the top of the paper in the form of a header.  
  6. There should be no gaps in the paper at all.  The paper should begin either at 1.5 or 1″ from the top and continue until the end.  Everything should be double-spaced.  
  7. The student should consult at least 2 essays or articles or chapters from books on ethics on the issue in question. For example, if the case involves animal experimentation, then you should consult at least 2 essays that describe the various issues associated with animal experimentation. 
  8. For grading I focus more on the content as opposed to grammar.  Therefore, a couple of grammatical and/or spelling errors will not be counted.  However, if the paper contains lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes, then this will reduce your grade somewhat. 

How the case study is to be organized: 

  • Step #1: Define the problem.  What is the ethical dilemma? What are the basic ethical issues of the case? Indicate which case study you chose and briefly, in 2-3 sentences, indicate what is the ethical dilemma and ethical issues that are raised in this case.  
  • Step #2:  General orientation.  
    • What approach to ethics are you taking and why? That is, what theory or combination of ethical theories are you using for this case study?
    • Why do you think this approach to ethics is a good one?  
  • Step #3: Who are the stakeholders?  This refers to the various persons or groups who will be affected by the various courses of action that will be described below.  If there are more than three or four stakeholders, only make reference to three or four of the stakeholders.  For each stakeholder indicate in one sentence what is at stake.  Example:
  • Stakeholder: ___________ (mother, father, co-worker, etc).  What is at stake? ________________________.   
  • Step #4: Describe some possible courses of action to the issue or problem.  Depending on the issue, of course, you should aim for at least 3-4 possible courses of action.  Each course of action should be described in about 2-3 sentences at the most. 
  • Step #5: Analyze briefly the consequences of each alternative. If one possible course of action is to do A, then what are some consequences of doing A.  What are the consequences of doing B and so forth?  
  • Step #6: relevant themes or concepts from the readings or research: Try to find 2 -3 themes that come from either the textbook or from your research that can be helpful in determining the best course of action.  Briefly explain each theme or concept in a couple of sentences.  
  • Step #7: Propose and defend a course of action.  In this last step, you explain which option should be chosen and why you think this is the best option to take.  If there is a relevant moral principle that takes priority over others, note this as when you are giving reasons for your proposed course of action.        

That’s basically it.  If you do the above, it should come to 3 pages or 4 pages.  If you only write 2 pages it is too short.  If it is more than 4, then please revise it to make it 3-4 pages.  If something is not clear or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.   

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