Assessment in Accelerated Programming

Assessment in Accelerated Programming



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The study was set out to evaluate whether the accelerated evening program was sustainable to students and whether they were satisfied with the program. The study employed survey research design and the population was established as well as the sample. Data was collected from the willing respondents and then analysed. The study found that the number of students satisfied with the program was more than those who felt the program was completely efficient. It also found that there were students who were not sure of whether it was working out well for them or not.


Education is the only route to success that creates equity and fairness. Gaining education earns one respect in the community because people feel you have accomplished something in life and they get to appreciate your efforts. When one advances in his or her education, his expands his or her career path and therefore one earns some respect among his or her peers and workplace (Torres, Carlos, & Adriana, 2007). Higher academic achievement also opens gates for higher positions and ranks in the society. The need for education is necessitated by the rising costs of living and unemployment for the unlearned. To afford a better living standard, it is important for one to acquire the right academic skills that enhance one’s competitiveness.

Most people failed to get their degree earlier in life because they did not have resources to get themselves enrolled in local colleges and finance the soaring cost of education (Torres, Carlos, & Adriana, 2007). There are others who need to study now but still have to make ends meet. There are also women who want to empower themselves but still have to take care of their children. This is why the accelerated program has become well known as it is convenient for these groups.

Accelerated programming is a learning program that is made to suit the needs of different students mostly those already in the professional world. The truth is competition is real in the professional world and the only way to keep up is by gaining more knowledge in school. There are a lot of people who are working but they did not get an opportunity to finish the bachelor’s degree hence accelerated degree program is the solution to their problem (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2010). The program provides a cohesive and also a traditional college experience for such students. The main benefit of this program since most students are in the job market the students get to gain professional connections, there are also career networking opportunities and the students also like the other students get to enjoy recreational resources in their school and also get a chance to have personal connections with their lecturers and fellow students (Smith, 2008). The program is just convenient for most adults as they are able to make a step forward in their education and also be able to continue building their professional life.

The program is set in a way that one gets to complete their studies in two years which means that there will be four semesters in those two years and also two summers. The students then get to choose how they want to study in the two years; the options are evening classes, weekends and studying online (Smith, 2008). The effect of this program is that it reduces the level of illiteracy among the adults and motivates the young ones to improve in their studies so as not to study later in life but take advantage of the opportunity they have (Kasworm, et al. 2010). The program also in a way leads to improving the economy of the country as the labourers become more skilled and hence increasing the productivity of the industries.

Objective and Value of the Study

The objective of this study is to the assess effectiveness of the accelerated evening program at a community college. This is a program preferred by most students for various reasons. The classes are offered at night which may be convenient for those working during the day. Classes are offered once in a week and they go for four hours and this means there is a lot for the students to do on their own. They have like 10-20 hours’ work that they have to do outside classes. This study wants to assess whether students feel content with the evening program, whether they are achieving what they wanted to. The study wants to assess if their expectations are met and if it is easier to cope with the long hours in class and the bulk of work to be done outside classes.

The study is also going to assess whether the instructors are effective and whether they work closely with the students who need their maximum attention. The results will provide knowledge on whether this program should be encouraged and what can be done to make it satisfying for students who find it convenient to study during the evenings. The value of the study is that the information can help those willing to advance their studies take the opportunity available and choose the way forward. The government can only create more jobs in the society to motivate people to become more literate.


The methodology offers an understanding on the best methods to be used in a specific study. There are certain methods that are used in research like a survey which is an attempt to collect data from the members of the specific population so as to determine a certain situation. Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt (2010) argue that survey allows collection of data using questionnaires that are given to a sample. The data collected can then be used to suggest reasons for particular relationships between variables. Survey would therefore be convenient for this study as it will enable data to be collected from students who are going for the evening program. The data will then be processed to get information regarding the student’s feelings towards evening program in accelerated program. There are important terms that one needs to be familiar with when using the survey method.


This is a group that have certain common traits that are observable. The target population for this study comprises students who are taking the accelerated program the evening option. The exact population can be identified but it should be clear that not all will be willing to give their time to answer the questions. There might also be information given that does not answer the questions in the required manner.


This is a small group of people that has been obtained from the accessible population. Stratified random sampling may be used whereby the sample may be divided into certain stratus. The sample in this study will be divided into two strata; male and female, then random sampling will be carried out to pick the participants. Stratified random sampling shall be preferred as it will enable the collection of data from both male and female based on their proportion of the entire population. This will help to know which gender feels satisfied with the evening program and why and which one feels dissatisfied more and also the reasons for the program not fitting their schedule or reason why they feel it fits (Zhan, & Finch, 2012). The study will use a sample of 41 students and they can answer semi-structured questionnaires.

Data Collection

The questionnaire will be used as the principle tool of collecting primary data. The questionnaire can include all questions that can lead to get information about the evening accelerated program, the advantages and also the disadvantages. It will also have questions to determine level of satisfaction and how effective the program is.

Data Reliability and Validity

Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt (2010) defines reliability as the extent to which one’s data collection technique or analysis procedures will yield consistent findings while validity is concerned with whether the findings are really about what they appear to be about. When one wants to ensure reliability of data then semi structured questionnaire can be used to maintain that the data collected is valid and can be relied on.

Data Analysis

After all this has been done there is need for data analysis which involves modelling the data so as to be able to discover the useful information. This is also where the quality of the data is assessed and hence finally determining whether the data collected is reliable and hence used to analyse the study.


The data targeted a sample of 41 students taking the accelerated evening program from which only four students responded making the response rate of 9.76%. This is not overwhelming seeing it is less than 50% but it would do for the study. Most people refer to a response rateas adequate when it is 50% and a rate of 60% is said to be good for the analysis when one that is 70% and over is said to be excellent. The distribution of data therefore was not distributed according to gender it was just collected and the results were as follows,

Satisfied Dissatisfied Neutral
2 1 1


One of the students felt dissatisfied with the program, the second one was in between not that satisfied but still okay. Two students however were very happy with the learning experience and how it was working around their schedule.

The results show that half of the sample is actually satisfied with the program and at least one is halfway satisfied. One of the respondent show less satisfactory with what they get from the evening accelerated program. Majority of the students in the sample seem to believe that this program is satisfying to those who are working during the day since it goes well with their schedule hence none of their day to day activities is affected by the other (Smith, 2008). They look at the program as an opportunity that better their life in the professional life by guarantee they will get high salaries once they advance their education (Torres, Carlos, & Adriana, 2007). The program seems to honour their self-enrichment.

These students feel that they gain just enough for the four hours in class every week and they can deal with the other work they are required to do outside class. The one student was dissatisfied with the program and the format did not seem to work around with their schedule either due to the few hours in class or the much work done outside class (Zhan, & Finch, 2012). It can be seen that no matter how a project seems to be efficient there are always hindrances to it been effective to everyone using it.

A limitation for the purpose of this research was regarded as a factor that was present and contributed to the inadequate information that was got from the respondents. The responses cannot be said to be very reliable as the individual who was dissatisfied could have been because of personal reasons and nothing to do with the evening accelerated program format (Torres, Carlos, & Adriana, 2007). The one main evidence to show that students are actually satisfied is students speaking of their performance in class something that most of them would not be comfortable sharing during the study.


This study has shown that majority of the students that is two out of four students are satisfied with the program. These students are working adults who for certain reasons were not able to acquire education earlier while others started and did not complete. Those who seem to be satisfied with the program can attribute their satisfactory to the fact that with the program they can be able to balance work and also be able to improve their welfare (Zhan, & Finch, 2012). This program can also be said to be satisfying since someone who is working and studying is able to apply whatever learnt directly in their work areas giving them an upper hand compared to their colleagues in the working area (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2010). Satisfaction can also be concluded to be in terms of services got, the professors and all instructors dedicating all their time to these students even outside the classes to offer consultation. These students get a lot of moral support from each other and get to motivate each other as they are mature and focused.

The program can be said to be satisfying in that it gives students all they need to graduate after the two years. It seems that students take it as a challenge to be able to build their confidence and achieve something to be an example in the society and mostly to their children (Kasworm, et al. 2010). The satisfied students can also attribute their satisfactory to the fact that while they are gaining education from their instructors and professors they also gain skills fromthe fellow students whom majority are already in the professional world hence sharing ideas (Smith, 2008). The program is flexible enabling anyone who has other engagements to be able to continue with their education. The other benefit could be that one graduates having gained more in terms of academics and also in term of skills leading to advancement in one’s profession. It can be concluded that this program is made so as to fully utilize the energy and talents of individuals who have made it in the career paths in terms of business but have not completed their bachelor’s degree (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2010). The program is also affordable as it goes for a short while hence affordable to most middle class citizens.

There was one student who showed less satisfaction in the program. This could be asa result of lesscommittedprofessors whereby the student may feel that they are left unattended to and that the four hours is not enough for them to grasp whatever they are required. It could also be a case of the program not working around their schedule that when they have classes they are committed elsewhere. Slow learners may feel that the work they are given outside class is quite too much to handle before the next class (Torres, Carlos, & Adriana, 2007). When one is committed in more than one activity in a day it may seem impossible to get time for the program. The individual whose response was in between may represent quite a number in the accelerated program. This can be concluded that some students feel it is convenient since it’s during the evening but they feel their minds are not fresh at that moment hence a little inconvenient for them (Smith, 2008). It could also be as a result of the fact that they have to go with school work at home yet they have work to carry at home.

Based on the premise that an accelerated evening program has proved to benefit a lot of adults mostly in the community it should be encouraged. This can be done in several ways where the students should be involved more in the decision making when it comes to this program. The professors should always ensure that during those four hours everyone understands what is been taught and that whatever work that is done outside class is well understood and everyone can reach the expectations (Kasworm, et al. 2010). They should also spare time and place to meet students when it is not class hours, this way consultation will be effective and students will feel more satisfied with the program as they will understand whatever is been taught. The instructors should also try to have a close relationship with the students so that students can feel comfortable in that environment. There should also be a forum for students to socialize among themselves this is because most students are busy during the day and never get time to socialize with their peers. This forum should enable students to not only graduate with academic education but also life skills having shared with their peers, they should form strong lasting bonds with their instructors and fellow students (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2010). They can also ensure that instructors teach using real life experiences and not just the theory part.

Students should however take advantage of this opportunity as it has more to offer and less to lose by enrolling. The classes are small and hence the environment is conducive and enables students to feel they are in a matureatmosphere. The amount of time taken to complete is convenient and works just well for adults and all one needs is dedication (Zhan, & Finch, 2012). The fruits of education are always sweet and one will be outstanding once they get their degree. The students should also take time to research about the program its benefits and also the limitations that come with it, this way they will avoid been dissatisfied with the program and might even get something that is more suitable for them (Torres, Carlos, & Adriana, 2007). It is also important to have an advisor who helps you to make a wise decision when deciding which program to enrol in.

It is prudent to conclude from the findings that the accelerated evening program has been efficient and has been largely adopted by a lot of people seeing that the population was 41. It can also be concluded that the program is not perfectly efficient as there are still students who feel dissatisfied while others are indifferent. It is quite clear that education has a great effect on the living standards of most citizens and hence much should be done to ensure this program is perfectly efficient (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2010).

The staff in colleges offering this program should make it easy for students who are applying in every semester motivating them so as not to give up, this also enables students to view education in a positive perspective. This will also encourage students to apply for the program. This program does not only help one get a bachelor’s degree it also opens doors for one to continue with their masters (Kasworm, et al. 2010). The future will be protected if education is guaranteed for all who are willing and made convenient for all. It will ensure that the community will be educated and we will expect growth and development in the state.






Kasworm, C. E., Rose, A. D., Ross-Gordon, J. M., & American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. (2010). Handbook of adult and continuing education. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Salvia, J., Ysseldyke, J. E., & Bolt, S. (2010). Assessment in special and inclusive education. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

Smith, A. (2008). Accelerated learning in practice: Brain-based methods for accelerating motivation and achievement. Stafford, England: Network Educational Press.

Torres, Carlos A, and Adriana, P. (2007).  Latin American Education: Comparative Perspectives. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.

Zhan, L., & Finch, L. P. (2012). Accelerated education in nursing: Challenges, strategies, and future directions. New York: Springer Pub. Co.

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