Reflective Writing

1. Read and consider the following Essay Prompt:


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Your audience is future students of Composition II, and your purpose is to prepare them for the work ahead of them. You’ve come to the end of the class and are in a position to advise and encourage others, based on your own experience.

Consider the works we have read, and their lasting value. Discuss one aspect of one work – a character, a setting, a mind-blowing passage – and why it resonates with you. What are some of the lines or moments that you find especially insightful or astute? How does it reflect the concerns in our world?

You may wish to consider the following areas as you organize the two body paragraphs for your essay:

Plot Summary – What happens in the plot that makes this work worth remembering? Avoid merely retelling the story, here!

Conflicts – What conflicts does the work include?

Character – How does the writer reveal character? With which character(s) do you sympathize? Are the characters plausible? What do minor characters contribute to the work?

Setting – What does setting (time and place of the action) contribute to the work?

Symbolism – Do certain characters, settings or actions seem to you to stand for something in addition to themselves? In other words, are they symbolic?

Theme – What is the theme? That is, what does the work add up to? Does the theme reinforce values that you hold, or does it challenge them?

Connection – How or why did this particular selection come to mind?


2. Complete an informal outline for a 4-paragraph essay:

Body paragraph 1
Body paragraph 2
3. Use your informal outline as you draft your essay. As you review and revise your draft, ask yourself if your draft meets the criteria of the Final Reflective Essay Evaluation Rubric.
4. After you have reviewed your draft, ensuring that it meets the criteria from Final Reflective Essay Evaluation Rubric, submit your final draft to the Final Reflective Essay dropbox folder as one of the following acceptable filetypes: Word Document (.DOC or .DOCX) or Rich Text File (.RTF).
Criteria Breakdown
Points Scored Points Possible Criteria Description
20 Introductory Paragraph
An exemplary introductory paragraph:

is fully developed (100+ words), coherent, and smoothly leads to a concise and focused thesis
has introductory remarks or thesis that contains the author and the title of the literary work you will be discussing
contains a thesis as the last sentence within the introductory paragraph and presents your focus on that literary work. The thesis should also include a preview of the two elements you will use to develop your central focus.
40 Body Paragraphs
Each exemplary body paragraph:

is 200-250 words, and contains a restricted topic sentence, unity and coherence
contains ample primary and secondary supports which further develop the focus of that paragraph
has primary supports that are your assertions regarding the literary work. The secondary supports are specific examples/details and/or direct quotes from the selection.
10 APA Formatting
Exemplary APA Formatting consists of:

a complete heading placed in the upper left hand corner, and the title of the essay centered
double-spacing of lines and indentation of each paragraph
direct quotes from the literary selection included, correctly formatted using either APA parenthetical documentation. References section is correctly formatted in APA.
10 Concluding Paragraph
An exemplary concluding paragraph:

is fully developed and brings closure to the essay (50+ words)
20 Mechanics
Exemplary mechanics consist of:

usage of correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling (see this helpful SPC LibGuide: Grammar)
usage of correct sentence structure: No run-on sentences, sentence fragments or awkward sentences.

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The post Reflective Writing appeared first on Australia Assessments.

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