Interpreting Quantitative Results in Communication Studies

Interpreting Quantitative Results in Communication Studies
Read two sections of Fred Pyrczak’s Reading “Make Sence of Statistics” — “T-Test” and “ANOVA”.And then please identifies the communication research methods used for each of the two studies we read this week: Fisher, Magee, & Mohammed-Baksh (2015) and 2) Parme et al. (2016).1. Next, review both results sections for the use of any t-tests or ANOVAs.2. Describe at least one specific place where you found a t-test and one specific place where you found an ANOVA.3. Comment on whether you think the tests were appropriately chosen in these instances. Be sure to tell us why or why not.4. Are you able to easily interpret the t-tests and ANOVAs in these articles? Why or why not? Please report any difficulties you have so we can all work together to solve them!


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