case study: social networking and social responsibility

case study: social networking and social responsibility


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Social media and its use have major implications in the business ethics arena.

Read the case study: Social Networking and Social Responsibility (pp. 410-417) and address the questions found on pp.416-417

Questions for Discussion


1. What are the benefits and risks associated with a company’s use of social networking?

2. Are there any significant differences between a company’s use of social networking technologies and an individual use?

3. As a social media user, are you concerned that your information is tracked for “advertising” purposes? Why or why not?

4. Compare IBM’s private social network Blue Pages with a public social- networking site like Twitter or Facebook. Do you think user information is any safer on Blue Pages? Why or why not?

5. What responsibilities do companies have regarding private company social- networking sites? 6. Do you think it’s right for companies to collect and analyze user data from social- networking sites in order to influence consumers? Why or why not?

Case Study Assignment guidelines:

The answers to the case study questions should be included in double-spaced Word document and contain in-text APA citations and a References page.
Make sure you refer to the grading rubric for this assignment
The assignment is due by 11:59 pm on Sunday.
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Grading Criteria – Unit 6 Social Networking and Social Responsibility


Thoroughly addresses case study questions. No more than 15% of the submission is direct quote. Student relies on summary and paraphrase to demonstrate understanding of material.


Contains no grammatical or mechanical errors


Submission is no fewer than 500 words INCLUSIVE of questions and references.


Includes APA-formatted in-text citations and References page. REQUIRED.




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