3-4 page argumentative essay on one of the following topics

3-4 page argumentative essay on one of the following topics


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ENG 102- Essay # 2                                                                                                                          
Write an argumentative essay on one of the following topics:

Write an argumentative essay that discusses the negative effects of people’s fascination with true crime. 
Write an argumentative essay that discusses the positive effects of people’s fascination with true crime. 
Is voter suppression a problem in the United States?
Why are some people more likely than others to believe in conspiracy theories?

Your essay must be typed using Times New Roman font, size 12. Document must be double spaced. The essay must have a clear introduction, body (including a counterargument), and conclusion. A thesis statement must be included in your introductory paragraph. Your essay should be between 3-4 pages. If you like, you can include outside sources to support and strengthen your argument.
Your essay will be graded based on the following criteria:
Formatting and heading- 5 points
Introduction-25 points
Body-20 points
Counter-argument-15 points
Conclusion-15 points
Development-10 points
Grammar-10 points

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