– this is my second time i’ve done this with this paper
-it is NOT a Historiographical essay
-i will l if it is not such an essay
– again, it NEEDS to be a historiographic essay
-ATTACHED is the
-TWO EXAMPLEs of PAST students essay in this class that the professor liked in the format he wants
-and the paper I submitted my professor won’t accept with HIS comments that MUST be changed and addressed
– rewrite paper if NEEDED
– again it must be a HISTORIOGRAPHIC ESSAY
– my brother, a phil. professor suggested my thesis go as: “Scholars in group 1 have said X about pinyin because of a shared set of assumptions A1, while scholars in group 2 have said Y about pinyin because of a shared set of assumptions A2.” (Cf. the Sample Thesis on p. 20.)


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My brother also said: Here’s my advice. You should fix up #3 of course, but #1 is the big one, and #2 can’t be done until you sort out #1. You’re going to have to completely rewrite the essay, but that doesn’t mean you have to start totally from scratch.

Your professor’s major criticism is that your thesis is a historical, not historiographical, one. A historical thesis offers an interpretation of past events, while a historiographical thesis offers an interpretation of what historians have said about past events. Roughly, “historiography” means “the history of historical writing.”

To get a better understanding of what your professor expects, you should carefully review the assignment instructions again. I’ve attached a version with highlighting to indicate the parts I think are most important. Pay special attention to the “Goals of a Historiographic Essay” on p. 2 and the “Sample Thesis” on p. 20.

To reframe your project as a historiographical one, you’ll need to reapproach the historical literature you’ve chosen and frame your discussion around that literature, not around the events that the literature interprets. Think about the possible intentions, motivations, historical contexts, assumptions, methods, and so on of the authors of the pieces of historical scholarship you cite. You may wish to organize your thesis with the following sort of structure.

My PROFESSORS comments:

Attached is your essay, with some comments in the margins. My three (3) direct points of criticism are the same as those I gave you on the progress reports. In the meeting yesterday we focused on the first and most important of them.

1.) In a historiographic essay you must, by definition, argue a historiographic thesis, one that traces change in historical interpretation over time. That’s missing, and instead you make a historical argument: about the importance of pinyin in Chinese society. Until there is a historiographic thesis—how interpretations, for example, of the importance of pinyin among Chinese language scholars and other linguistic theorists have varied over time, you cannot earn a passing grade on this assignment.

2.) Paragraph topic sentences in the evidence section of the paper must all support the historiographic thesis statement directly. The evidence provided in those paragraphs must support the paragraph topic sentence in each case.

3.) Citations in footnotes and bibliography must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style format (also presented in a simplified version in Rampolla, one of the course textbooks) that is required for historical research. ************************ IMPORTANT

– he is the hardest grader I’ve ever encountered!! I need the paper to PASS and GRADUATE. This is not my discipline and was forced to take this course because of COVID messing up everything.

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