Program writing | Computer Science homework help

Program writing | Computer Science homework help


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Driving is expensive. Write a program with a car’s miles/gallon and gas dollars/gallon (both floats) as input, and output the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles.
Ex: If the input is 20.0 3.1599, the output is:
1.57995 7.89975 63.198
Note: Small expression differences can yield small floating-point output differences due to computer rounding. Ex: (a + b)/3.0 is the same as a/3.0 + b/3.0 but output may differ slightly. Because our system tests programs by comparing output, please obey the following when writing your expression for this problem. First use the dollars/gallon and miles/gallon values to calculate the dollars/mile. Then use the dollars/mile value to determine the cost per 10, 50, and 400 miles.
Note: Real per-mile cost would also include maintenance and depreciation.

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