Performance Appraisals

 Performance appraisals are a vital element of any business to the overall development of employees and the company itself. However, this practice must be performed consistently or it may not be taken seriously from employees. Please note that performance appraisals should never be used as a punishment or portrayed as a way to reprimand employees. These appraisals should always be used to help increase the level of performance through a mixture of positive and constructive feedback based on a number of different elements of a job position. Implementation could be tricky, which is why proper training is necessary so that those who conduct performance appraisals are doing it objectively and consistently with all other managers or HR professionals. Having a management system in place to track the performance over a period is also important and should be used to help the company see room for internal improvement that will help employees increase personal performance as well. A rating system is usually the best way to manage tracking since it has a clearer range from positive to negative on a scale. Overall, as an HR professional, ensuring the validity of performance appraisals is important so that all employees will receive clear and honest feedback that can be used to improve personal performance as well as help reach personal and professional goals.


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Blanchard & Thacker, B. N. (2013). Effective   Training (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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