Minority Votes in Election 2020

Hello I have a 10-page double space research paper due by 12/09/2020


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the topic is Minority Votes in Election 2020 or a topic similar.

Perfect please include voter suppression w/voting.

here are the guidelines:


Each student will write a research proposal paper worth 80 points. It will include an Introduction Section, Literature Review Section, Methods Section, Conclusion Section, and References Section. Follow the Research Proposal Guidelines below to develop each section of the paper. A minimum of 10 scholarly references needs to be included in the References. The paper (including all sections) should be between 10-15 pages.

Total possible points: 80 points


Organize your research proposal to complete the following sections

A. Introduction/Statement of the problem and question: What do you intend to study, and why is increasing knowledge in this area important? What is the social significance of this topic?

B. Review of the literature: How does your study fit in with previous research and theory in the area? How is your research related to other research areas? Explain how your research expands beyond or critically examines what is already known. What are your initial research questions that emerge from the statement of the social significance of and literature review on this topic?

C. Methods: Who is the targeted study population? How and when are you going to do the work? Explain why you have chosen the methods that you are going to utilize. Discuss how your views and experience with this topic might influence your perception of the data and the development of your analysis.

D. Conclusion: Describe again the relevance and importance of your research project.

E. References: Citations

A & B: Title, Introduction, Literature Review (6-8 pages)

The next step in developing your project is to make use of seminal research to understand:
-​what findings have already been made;
-​key methods that have been used for your topic; and
-​how your own research will fit/expand/contrast with current published research.

General Requirements
-​Length: 6-8 pages (excluding title page and references).

-​Submission and Formatting.
•​Typed double-space lines, size 12 font, 1-inch margins , letter-sized pages (8.5 x 11)
•​First page with all your full names, assignment title, course number, and date
•​Subsequent pages with your last names and page number in the header.
•​Save as a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or Adobe Acrobat (“.pdf”) file with last
Name-Assignment (e.g. “Arxer-LitReview.docx”).
•​Section Headings: Your paper should have each of the four major sections clearly labeled: Introduction, Literature Review (subheadings: Theoretical Review,
Methodological Review), Conclusion, References.

-​ASA format & references: Please do not forget to use ASA format throughout the document. A few tips: Refer to each author you cite by their last name and put the year of their publication in parentheses, e.g., “Broad (2008)”. There is no need to include the full name of the article in the text – your references section at the end of the document should have complete information about each source.

Detailed Requirements:
1) Title page. Start your paper with a well-designed cover page that has a
provocative/interesting title for your project, along with your name and the date.

2) Introduction (about 2 pages).-
Combine the revised versions of your research topic into a concise introduction that will get the reader excited about your project. A good introduction should outline all the key components of the full paper in the first paragraph and then include the following.

Statement of the research problem and your potential contribution. Describe the social problem, why others should care and your opportunity to reasonably improve our understanding of this problem. Think about how will you capture the reader’s attention and establish the context for why your research is so important today?
Be confident here about the original contribution you will make.

Research Questions. Beyond your broad/comprehensive research question, also use some alternative questions. Discuss how these questions frame your research in interesting and provocative ways since their answers should not be obvious.
NOTE: Please try to use actual questions (with a question mark!)
Summary of Literature Review. Give the reader a complete preview of how you will do both a theoretical review and then a methodological review, making sure to share the themes of each. Without reading any further, the reader should know the key themes you observed through your literature review, the main methods that have been used.

TIP: You should re-write your introduction after completing the full paper

3) Review of Research Articles/Books (4-6 pages).
Please do not review each source one at a time. Instead provide a well-organized:
o theoretical review of all your articles by theme; and then an
o methodological review of all your articles by theme
Theoretical Review (4-5 pages). Sort the books/articles you have reviewed into several
themes based on their research goals/topics. For example, if you are doing a project on the impact of media on childhood obesity, some of your articles/books may focus on the influence of the media, some may focus on obesity, while some may focus on the impact on both media and obesity combined.
For each theme, describe the key findings of each article and explain how the results
may be relevant to your research.

Methodological Review (2-3 pages). Now sort the books/articles you have reviewed into themes based on their research methods. For example, some of the articles may have relied on quantitative empirical research (e.g. statistical analysis), others may have been qualitative (unstructured interviews, ethnography etc.). Still others may have been theoretical (conceptual) or provided a meta-analysis of other research (analytic reviews by concept).
For each theme, describe how the authors used the methods to produce their results and how this method could be useful for your research.

4) Conclusion (one or two paragraphs)
Please summarize the key theoretical and methodological points you have learned from your literature review and how
-​The theoretical review has helped you refine the focus of your research
-​The methodological review has helped you summarize the top methods

5) References. End with a well-formatted bibliography of each article or book you have reviewed in APA (American Psychological Association) format. With a good bibliography, you would only need to mention each author and the year of publication within parentheses when discussing studies in the earlier sections of text. Example: “Additionally, Broad (2008) used participant observation in her study…”

C. Methodology Section (2-3 Pages)

Each of following topics should be addressed in your methodology section
1. Site, Population, and Sample.
o Define your target population (college students, older Americans, etc).
o Describe where (the site) you will get your sample
o, Describe the method of sampling (convenience, purposive, snowball sampling, etc.
o and Describe the rationale for the sampling method.

​Explain how the sample you seek out will allow you to draw conclusions about the dimensions that you identify as important in your problem statement. For example, if you plan to analyze how race and ethnicity matter in childcare decision-making, explain why you have chosen to focus on particular racial-ethnic groups. Or if you are interviewing only wives about marital issues, explain why learning about the wives’ perspectives will allow for an analysis of marital relationships without also considering the husbands’ perspectives.

2. Choice of Methodology. Provide a brief explanation of qualitative research methodology: its assumptions and purpose. Reiterate the rationale for doing qualitative research on this particular topic. Describe the research methods (including those that are conventionally thought of as “quantitative” if you are triangulating). For the qualitative methods (e.g. participant observation, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, participatory research), include references to methodological texts that will guide your research.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this methodological approach given your specific aims and research problem? Convince the reader that you have chosen the most appropriate methodological approach. For example, discuss the advantages of using focus groups instead of individual interviews, or observing behavior as a full participant-observer instead of as observer participant. In this section, it would be particularly useful to discuss the previous experience with the different methods in order to demonstrate your prior training in the method.

3. Data Collection. Please choose 1 of the qualitative data collection techniques from our textbook (e.g, interviews, focus groups, etc.)

Keep in mind: In qualitative research, what constitutes data is very different than what counts as data in a quantitative study. Data can range broadly from responses collected through a survey instrument to a single unplanned observation that you as the researcher made at a single time during a single, chance observation with your research population. Explain how will you record data as you discover it. Even though the researcher as a “human-as-instrument” is a critical data collecting component of qualitative research, the data must exist somewhere other than inside your head. Discuss the different ways to capture the data. This may include (but are not limited to): writing field notes, memo writing, video, and audiotaping, asking respondents to draw pictures and diagrams for you, questionnaires, etc. Propose how you will capture the data and how often you will reflect on it. Finally, discuss the methodological logic for deciding when to stop collecting more data.

4. Reflexivity Statement (Describe Your Relationship to the Topic): Since the researcher is an important data collection instrument in qualitative research, it is important to understand how you stand in relation to your topic of study. Discuss how your perspective (assumptions and biases, preconceptions, knowledge of formal research, advocacy work, and past experiences with this topic) might influence your understanding, observation, and analysis.

5. Data Analysis. Please refer to our chapter 11 on Content Analysis to develop an explanation of how you plan to analyze your proposed data. Chapter 11. Consider explaining:
o How will you plan on using coding to make send of the data you propose to collect.
o What types of coding strategies will you use (e.g., open coding) and how will these help you answer your research question?

In qualitative research data analysis begins immediately and constantly informs and reshapes the research question, the sample, the methodology and the data collection. Qualitative researchers repeatedly cycle through research questions, data collection, data analysis, and reformulating research questions, data collection and data analyses. Explain how you will move through this cycle.

6. Limitations of the Study. Cite any weaknesses or limitations in your study and why you will not correct for them prior to engaging in your research.

7. Ethical Considerations. What are the ethical issues involved in your study? What are the potential risks and benefits to your participants? How will you protect your participants from risk? Complete the necessary form to apply for permission to conduct this study through the Institutional Review Board and attach these documents to your proposal.

D. Conclusion (1-2 pages)


A. Briefly summarize again the relevance of your research proposal question and study. Conclude with any potential limitations and benefits your proposal offers

F. References
G.​Include references used to write the proposal. Use APA style. Avoid using secondary sources, especially textbooks. Include methodological as well as substantive topical references. For more information on Minority Votes in Election 2020   check on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minority_government

The post Minority Votes in Election 2020 appeared first on Australia Assessments.

The post Minority Votes in Election 2020 appeared first on Australia Assessments.

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