Due 10/12/2020 —1200 words due how covid disproportionately affects
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Population Health
How COVID Disproportionately Affects People of Color
Course Objectives: 1) Critically analyze the impact of environment and lifestyle on the health
of populations. 2) Integrate evidenced-based research findings, community resources and cultural competence in planning, implementing, and evaluating population(s)-centered care.
Clinical Objectives: 1) Analyze the potential for actual impact of economic, environmental, political, legal, ethical, and epidemiological factors on client systems in community settings.
2) Apply concepts from general education courses (humanities, social and behavioral, sciences; physical and natural sciences; mathematics, business and economics) and research to the care of clients or aggregates.
Summary: As scientists and doctors struggle to find a cure or vaccine for COVID-19, racial and economic disparities are making the impact worse for some groups. Nearly 30 percent of U.S. patients were Black — even though African Americans make up only about 13 percent of the general population. The share of cases among Latinos is also disproportionately large. This story examines significant racial disparities that exist in our society and how they affect the pandemic’s toll. Real people and doctors discuss the complicated social and political intersections the pandemic has brought to light.
Assignment essay #1 —–Directions: Watch the video and answer the discussion questions. The video has been edited for length. https://youtu.be/VUYu7Bk5ouU
To watch the video in its entirety or read the transcript, use the following link:
1. 200 words–Why are communities of color disproportionately affected by COVID-19? Give specific example as it relates to the reading and video.
200 words What public policy questions has the pandemic raised?
200 words–What are some aspects of your life that you may have taken for granted before and during the pandemic?
200 words–Check out at least three other news outlets to see how they are reporting the issue of how coronavirus affects communities of color. What are the headlines? Who is interviewed? Are statistics and data used?
Assignment essay #2—–Extension activity: Flint Water Crisis and the Coronavirus Pandemic
One of the easiest ways to reduce the spread of coronavirus is handwashing. But in some places, such as Flint, Michigan, that simple task is more difficult due to the lack of clean running water. John Yang talks to Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, who helped expose that emergency in 2014, about how the pandemic is hitting the city.
Watch the video and answer the discussion questions https://youtu.be/BLzz33079oM
To read the transcript, use the following link:
200 words–Why does Dr. Hanna-Attisha say the Flint water crisis has worsened the coronavirus pandemic in her city? Give specific example as it relates to the reading and video.
200 words—Can you think of other examples in which the U.S. government was slow to respond to a crisis that highlighted differences in race or low socio-economic status? Why is strong infrastructure (roads, bridges, utilities) a key part of a community’s well-being?
1. Please respond to each discussion question with AT LEAST 200 words per question and a total of 4 reference. Each questions must have subheading.
2. Cite your sources using APA format.
3. Minimum of 2 sources for full points on the assignment.
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