DB3 response 1 (75 words)

I agree with Colin Powell’s assessment of leadership. It is extremely simple the way he talks about leadership but he shows the importance of being trusted while being a leader. I unknowingly did this while in the Air Force but I knew the kind of leader I wanted to work with while being on a team so I always went out of my way to ensure my Airmen knew no matter what the situation I would have their back. It was always a letdown to find out that a flight chief would throw his subordinates under the bus for small issues that could have easily been able to taken care by the flight chief. I always wanted my Airmen to solely have to worry about their job performance and job qualification tests instead of having to worry about how their performance impacted leadership.
The character from the film that I think Colin Powell would think was a good leader was the President. The President had a massive table with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the majority of them were trusting of the President to decide the next course of action.
I think that the President in the film was a good leader in that moment because he listened to his staff but still made a decision for the better to contact the ambassador if the majority of the table would have been hesitant or fighting with him then you would have been able to tell that they did not trust the President to make the correct decision about the situation.


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