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Write My Essay For MeCompose a 2000 words assignment on semiconductor devices and circuits. Needs to be plagiarism free! This allows electric current to flow as a result of electrons’ movement in the conduction band. The motion of holes in semiconductors is opposite to that of the electron. As a result of electrons escape from the valence band to the conduction band, holes are created in the valence band. When current is applied, the electron breaks and moves to feel the gaps present. simultaneously, this electron leaves another hole, and this process continues. The movement of these holes in the valence band leads to current flow referred to as the whole current.
These are materials that do not conduct. There is a massive gap between the two bands for insulators, i.e., conduction and valence bands. Insulators can only conduct at too high temperatures or when they are subjected to very high voltage. Examples of insulators are wood, glass, paper, and mica.
Semiconductors: These materials are between conductors and insulators. They are neither conductors nor insulators. They can efficiently conduct at room temperatures. Examples of these materials are silicon and germanium.
Intrinsic semiconductors: These are pure semiconductors since the content of impurity is minimal. These materials are cautiously refined to achieve this form of purity. When intrinsic semiconductors are subjected to room temperature, valence electrons absorb heat energy breaking the covalent bond and move to the conduction band.
Electrons and holes conduction
In intrinsic semiconductors, holes and free electrons are the primary charge carriers. Pits and electrons generated at room temperatures move in a random motion and can’t conduct any current. When Voltage is applied across the semiconductor, then the electrons and holes assume one direction, therefore, causing a current flow. The applied voltage moves the free electrons, which are in the conduction band. In this, electrons that are negatively charged are repelled from batteries negative terminal, and they move towards the positive terminal. This allows electric current to flow as a result of electrons’ movement in the conduction band.
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