American Literature: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
To prepare to write your final paper for the semester, you will put together an annotated bibliography.
This annotated bibliography is a list of four secondary sources that you plan to use in your Researched
Literary Analysis paper (Writing Project 3) with commentary included for each source.
For each source, you will write three short paragraphs (3-5 sentences or so each) that will provide
the following discussion of each source:
Paragraph 1: A summary of the source (main points of critic’s argument/ thesis)
Paragraph 2: An evaluation of the source (overall effectiveness, strengths, weaknesses, etc.)
Paragraph 3: A discussion of the source’s relevance to your own paper (how will you use it?)
Note: the use of “I” is acceptable in this third paragraph.
See Moodle for model bibliographies from former students. Feel free to check in with a draft.
Use MLA format (8th ed.) for the entries. Alphabetize entries by authors’ last names, just as you would in
a Works Cited page.
The bibliography will include four secondary sources, critical material that is in some way related to the
subject of your final paper (WP 3). The primary source (work of literature) you’ve chosen to focus on in
WP 3 should not appear as a separate annotation, but you will refer to it directly in Paragraph 3 of each
At least three sources will need to be from scholarly journals, periodicals reviewed for merits of content
by other scholars in the field. The fourth source can be another journal article, chapter from a book,
magazine article, speech, video, documentary, interview, newspaper article, etc.
Remember that the consultants at the Writing Center are happy to work with you! Make an appointment
in person or online; see Moodle for details.


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